HomeHow toHow to Undo the Most Recent Local Commits in Git

How to Undo the Most Recent Local Commits in Git

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When working with Git, there are often times when you need to undo recent commits. Whether it’s because you made a mistake, need to make changes, or simply want to restructure your commit history, Git offers several methods to achieve this. This article will guide you through the process of undoing the most recent local commits in Git, focusing on various approaches depending on your needs.

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into the methods, it’s crucial to understand that Git commits are snapshots of your project at a particular point in time. Each commit has a unique identifier (hash), and these commits form a chain that represents the history of your changes. Undoing commits involves altering this history, so it’s essential to handle this process with care.

Method 1: git reset

The git reset command is the most common way to undo commits. It moves the current branch to a specified commit and optionally updates the working directory and the index.

  1. Soft ResetIf you want to keep the changes made in the undone commits but remove them from the commit history, you can use a soft reset. This method moves the branch pointer but keeps your working directory and index intact.bashCopy codegit reset --soft HEAD~1 Here, HEAD~1 refers to the commit before the most recent one. If you want to undo more than one commit, adjust the number accordingly (e.g., HEAD~2 to undo the last two commits).
  2. Mixed ResetThe mixed reset (the default option for git reset) will undo the commits and unstage the changes, but your working directory will remain unchanged. This is useful if you want to re-commit your changes or fix something.bashCopy codegit reset HEAD~1 This command resets the current branch to the specified commit and moves the changes from the undone commit to the working directory.
  3. Hard ResetIf you want to completely remove the commits and discard all changes associated with them, you can use a hard reset. This command will not only move the branch pointer but also update your working directory and index to match the specified commit.bashCopy codegit reset --hard HEAD~1 Be cautious with this command, as it will delete your changes permanently.

Method 2: git revert

If you want to undo the changes introduced by a commit but keep the commit history intact, use git revert. This command creates a new commit that reverses the changes made by the previous commit.

  1. Reverting a Single CommitTo revert the most recent commit:bashCopy codegit revert HEAD This will create a new commit that undoes the changes made in the most recent commit.
  2. Reverting Multiple CommitsTo revert multiple commits, you can specify a range of commits:bashCopy codegit revert HEAD~3..HEAD This command will create new commits that revert the changes introduced by the last three commits.

Method 3: git checkout and git restore

For scenarios where you want to undo changes in your working directory without altering the commit history, you can use git checkout or git restore.

  1. Checking Out a Previous CommitIf you want to explore or temporarily revert to a previous commit without changing the branch’s history:bashCopy codegit checkout HEAD~1 This command switches your working directory to the state of the commit before the most recent one. Note that this detaches the HEAD and puts you in a “detached HEAD” state, which is useful for temporary changes.
  2. Restoring FilesTo undo changes in specific files without altering the commit history:bashCopy codegit restore <file> This command discards changes in the working directory for the specified file.

Best Practices

  • Backup Your Work: Before performing any operation that modifies commit history, it’s a good practice to backup your work. You can create a temporary branch to save your changes.
  • Be Cautious with git reset --hard: This command deletes changes permanently, so ensure that you really want to discard all your work before using it.
  • Use git revert for Public Commits: If the commits you’re undoing are already shared with others (pushed to a remote repository), use git revert instead of git reset to avoid disrupting others’ work.


Undoing local commits in Git can be done through several methods, each suitable for different scenarios. Whether you need to fix mistakes, adjust your commit history, or discard changes, understanding these tools will help you manage your Git repository more effectively. Always consider the implications of each method on your work and your team’s workflow to make informed decisions.

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